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E. Medina, López, D., Royo, D., Meseguer, R., and Ochoa, S. F., CoSP: A Collaborative Sensing Platform for mobile applications, in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2015 IEEE 19th International Conference on, 2015.
E. Medina, Meseguer, R., Ochoa, S. F., and Medina, H., A Behaviour Awareness Mechanism to Support Collaborative Learning, in Collaboration and Technology, vol. 9334, N. Baloian, Zorian, Y., Taslakian, P., and Shoukouryan, S., Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 95-110.
E. Medina, López, D., Meseguer, R., Ochoa, S. F., Royo, D., and Santos, R. M., Mobile Autonomous Sensing Unit (MASU): A Framework That Supports Distributed Pervasive Data Sensing, Sensors, vol. 16, no. 7, p. 1062, 2016.
E. Medina, Vega, D., Meseguer, R., Medina, H., Ochoa, S. F., and Magnani, M., Using indirect blockmodeling for monitoring students roles in collaborative learning networks, in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), 2016.
E. Medina, Meseguer, R., Ochoa, S. F., and Medina, H., Providing Behaviour Awareness in Collaborative Project Courses, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 1319–1338, 2016.
R. Meseguer, Molina, C., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., Reducing Energy Consumption in Human-centric Wireless Sensor Networks, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC’12), 2012.
R. Meseguer, Medina, E., Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Neyem, A., Navarro, L., and Royo, D., Communication support for mobile collaborative work: An experimental study, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, vol. 11, pp. 1035-1063, 2012.
R. Meseguer, Navarro, L., Damian-Reyes, P., and Favela, J., Context Awareness for Collaborative Learning with Uncertainty Management, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 16, pp. 1556–1576, 2010.
R. Meseguer, Medina, E., Royo, D., Navarro, L., Damian-Reyes, P., and Favela, J., Supporting context-aware collaborative learning through automatic group formation, in Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI2010), 2010.
R. Meseguer, Medina, E., Royo, D., Navarro, L., and Juárez, J. Pablo, Group Prediction in Collaborative Learning, in The 6th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, 2010.
R. Meseguer, Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Medina, E., Navarro, L., Neyem, A., and Royo, D., Building Real-World Ad-hoc Networks to Support Mobile Collaborative Applications: Lessons Learned, in Groupware: design, implementation and use (CRIWG), 2009.
R. Meseguer, Damian-Reyes, P., Favela, J., and Navarro, L., Context Awareness and Uncertainty in Collocated Collaborative Systems, in Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use (CRIWG), Omaha, 2008.
R. Meseguer, Ochoa, S. F., Pino, J. A., Navarro, L., and Neyem, A., Communication and coordination patterns to support mobile collaboration, in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Xi’an, China, 2008, pp. 565–570.
R. Meseguer, Navarro, L., and Reyes, A., Group-awareness for Mobile Cooperative Learning, in WMTE ’06: Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, Washington, DC, USA, 2006, pp. 74–81.
R. Meseguer, Molina, C., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., Energy-Aware Topology Control Strategy for Human-Centric Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensors, vol. 14, pp. 2619–2643, 2014.
M. Micheletto, Petrucci, V., Santos, R. M., Orozco, J., Mossé, D., Ochoa, S. F., and Meseguer, R., Flying Real-Time Network to Coordinate Disaster Relief Activities in Urban Areas, Sensors, vol. 18, p. 1662, 2018.
P. Micholia, Karaliopoulos, M., Koutsopoulos, I., Navarro, L., Baig, R., Boucas, D., Michalis, M., and Antoniadis, P., Community Networks and Sustainability: a Survey of Perceptions, Practices, and Proposed Solutions, IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, pp. 1-1, 2018.
P. Micholia, Karaliopoulos, M., Koutsopoulos, I., Navarro, L., Baig, R., Boucas, D., Michalis, M., and Antoniadis, P., Community Networks and Sustainability: a Survey of Perceptions, Practices, and Proposed Solutions, CoRR, vol. abs/1707.06898, 2017.
P. Millan, Molina, C., Meseguer, R., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., Using a History-Based Approach to Predict Topology Control Information in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, in Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, vol. 8729, G. Fortino, Di Fatta, G., Li, W., Ochoa, S. F., Cuzzocrea, A., and Pathan, M., Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 237-249.
P. Millan, Molina, C., Medina, E., Vega, D., Meseguer, R., Braem, B., and Blondia, C., Tracking and predicting link quality in wireless community networks, in Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), 2014 IEEE 10th International Conference on, 2014.
P. Millan, Molina, C., Dimogerontakis, E., Navarro, L., Meseguer, R., Braem, B., and Blondia, C., Tracking and Predicting End-to-End Quality in Wireless Community Networks, in Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud), 2015 3rd International Conference on, 2015.
P. Millan, Molina, C., Medina, E., Vega, D., Meseguer, R., Braem, B., and Blondia, C., Time series analysis to predict link quality of wireless community networks, Computer Networks, vol. 93, pp. 342 - 358, 2015.
Community Networks
P. Millan, Aliagas, C., Molina, C., Dimogerontakis, E., and Meseguer, R., Time Series Analysis to Predict End-to-End Quality of Wireless Community Networks, Electronics, vol. 8, p. 578, 2019.
P. Millan, Aliagas, C., Molina, C., Meseguer, R., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., Predicting Topology Propagation Messages in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: The Value of History, Sensors, vol. 20, p. 24, 2020.
J. Mitre and Navarro, L., P2P Architecture for Scientific Collaboration, in WETICE, 2004, pp. 95–100.
