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Found 169 results
F. Freitag
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F. Rodriguez-Haro
Freitag, F.
, and
Navarro, L.
Towards a performance model for resource allocation in Tycoon
, in
IADIS International Conference APPLIED COMPUTING 2007
, Salamanca, Spain, 2007, pp. 615–619.
F. Rodriguez-Haro
Freitag, F.
, and
Navarro, L.
Towards Intelligent Management in VM-based Resource Providers
, in
1st International DMTF Academic Alliance Workshop on Systems and Virtualization Management: Standards and New Technologies
, Toulouse, France, 2007.
L. Joita
Rana, O. F.
Chacin, P.
Chao, I.
Freitag, F.
Navarro, L.
, and
Ardaiz, O.
Application Deployment on Catallactic Grid Middleware
IEEE Distributed Systems Online
, vol. 7, p. 1, 2006.
O. Ardaiz
Artigas, P.
Eymann, T.
Freitag, F.
Navarro, L.
, and
Reinicke, M.
The catallaxy approach for decentralized economic-based allocation in Grid resource and service markets.
Applied Intelligence
, vol. 25, pp. 131–145, 2006.
L. Joita
Rana, O. F.
Chacin, P.
Chao, I.
Freitag, F.
Navarro, L.
, and
Ardaiz, O.
Application Deployment using Catallactic Grid middleware
, in
MGC’05: Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Middleware for grid computing
, New York, NY, USA, 2005, pp. 1–6.
O. Ardaiz
Chacin, P.
Chao, I.
Freitag, F.
, and
Navarro, L.
An architecture for incorporating decentralized economic models in application layer networks.
Multiagent and Grid Systems
, vol. 1, pp. 287–295, 2005.
T. Eymann
Reinicke, M.
Streitberger, W.
Rana, O. F.
Joita, L.
Neumann, D.
Schnizler, B.
Veit, D.
Ardaiz, O.
Chacin, P.
Chao, I.
Freitag, F.
Navarro, L.
Catalano, M.
Gallegati, M.
Giulioni, G.
Schiaffino, R. Carvajal
, and
Zini, F.
Catallaxy-based Grid markets
Multiagent Grid Systems
, vol. 1, pp. 297–307, 2005.
T. Eymann
Reinicke, M.
Freitag, F.
Navarro, L.
Ardaiz, O.
, and
Artigas, P.
A hayekian self-organization approach to service allocation in computing systems.
Advanced Engineering Informatics
, vol. 19, pp. 223–233, 2005.
P. Chacin
Freitag, F.
Navarro, L.
Chao, I.
Ardaiz, O.
Stavrakakis, I.
, and
Smirnov, M.
Integration of Decentralized Economic Models for Resource Self-management in Application Layer Networks.
, in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2005, vol. 3854, pp. 214–225.
L. Navarro
Marquès, J. Manuel
, and
Freitag, F.
On distributed systems and CSCL
, in
CCGRID ’04: Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
, Washington, DC, USA, 2004, pp. 113–118.
T. Eymann
Reinicke, M.
Ardaiz, O.
Artigas, P.
Freitag, F.
, and
Navarro, L.
Decentralized Resource Allocation in Application Layer Networks
, in
CCGRID’03: Proceedings of the 3st International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
, Washington, DC, USA, 2003, p. 645.
T. Eymann
Reinicke, M.
Ardaiz, O.
Artigas, P.
Diaz de Cerio, L.
Freitag, F.
Meseguer, R.
Navarro, L.
Royo, D.
Sanjeevan, K.
F. Rivera, F.
Bubak, M.
A. Tato, G.
, and
Doallo, R.
Decentralized vs. Centralized Economic Coordination of Resource Allocation in Grids.
, in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2003, vol. 2970, pp. 9–16.
O. Ardaiz
Artigas, P.
Eymann, T.
Freitag, F.
Meseguer, R.
Navarro, L.
Reinicke, M.
Kosch, H.
Böszörményi, L.
, and
Hellwagner, H.
Exploring the Catallactic Coordination Approach for Peer-to-Peer Systems.
, in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2003, vol. 2790, pp. 1265–1272.
T. Eymann
Reinicke, M.
Ardaiz, O.
Artigas, P.
Freitag, F.
, and
Navarro, L.
Self-Organizing Resource Allocation for Autonomic Networks
, in
DEXA’03: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications
, Washington, DC, USA, 2003, p. 656.
O. Ardaiz
Artigas, P.
Diaz de Cerio, L.
Freitag, F.
Gallardo, A.
Meseguer, R.
Navarro, L.
Royo, D.
Sanjeevan, K.
F. Rivera, F.
Bubak, M.
A. Tato, G.
, and
Doallo, R.
ULabGrid, an Infrastructure to Develop Distant Laboratories for Undergrad Students over a Grid.
, in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
, 2003, vol. 2970, pp. 265–272.
O. Ardaiz
Freitag, F.
Navarro, L.
Eymann, T.
, and
Reinicke, M.
CatNet: Catallactic Mechanisms for Service Control and Resource Allocation in Large-Scale Application-Layer Networks
, in
CCGRID’02: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid
, Washington, DC, USA, 2002, pp. 442–443.
O. Ardaiz
Freitag, F.
, and
Navarro, L.
Estimating the service time of web clients using server logs
SIGCOMM Computer Communications
, vol. 31, pp. 108–123, 2001.
O. Ardaiz
Freitag, F.
, and
Navarro, L.
Improving the service time of web clients using server redirection.
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review
, vol. 29, pp. 39–44, 2001.
O. Ardaiz
Freitag, F.
, and
Navarro, L.
Multicast Injection for Application Network Deployment
, in
LCN’01: Proceedings of the 26th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks
, Washington, DC, USA, 2001, pp. 386–394.
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