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Conference Paper
F. Freitag, Sharifi, L., Khan, A. M., Navarro, L., Baig, R., Garcia, P. Escrich, and Veiga, L., A Look at Energy Efficient System Opportunities with Community Network Clouds, in Joint Workshop Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on {ICT} for Sustainability 2014, Stockholm, Sweden, August 24-27, 2014., 2014, pp. 7–9.
L. Sharifi, Freitag, F., and Veiga, L., Envisioning Cloud of Energy, in Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, 2015.
L. Sharifi, Rameshan, N., Freitag, F., and Veiga, L., Energy efficiency dilemma: p2p-cloud vs. mega-datacenter (Nominated for Best Paper Award), in CloudCom 2014, 2014.
L. Sharifi, Freitag, F., and Veiga, L., Combing Smart Grid with community clouds: Next generation integrated service platform, in Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, 2014.
A. M. Khan, Sharifi, L., Veiga, L., and Navarro, L., Clouds of Small Things: Provisioning Infrastructure-as-a-Service from within Community Networks, in 2nd International Workshop on Community Networks and Bottom-up-Broadband (CNBuB'2013), within IEEE WiMob, Lyon, France, 2013.