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Found 34 results
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Filters: Author is Roger Pueyo-Centelles  [Clear All Filters]
Conference Proceedings
R. Baig, Dowling, J., Escrich, P., Freitag, F., Meseguer, R., Moll, A., Navarro, L., Pietrosemoli, E., Pueyo-Centelles, R., Vlassov, V., and Zennaro, M., Deploying Clouds in the Guifi Community Network, IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Network Management (IM 2015). IEEE, 2015.
Journal Article
R. Pueyo-Centelles, Freitag, F., Meseguer, R., and Navarro, L., Beyond the Star of Stars: An Introduction to Multihop and Mesh for LoRa and LoRaWAN, IEEE Pervasive Computing, vol. 20, pp. 63-72, 2021.
M. Selimi, Khan, A. M., Dimogerontakis, E., Freitag, F., and Pueyo-Centelles, R., Cloud services in the community network, Computer Networks, vol. 93, Part 2, pp. 373 - 388, 2015.
Community Networks
J. Miquel Solé, Pueyo-Centelles, R., Freitag, F., and Meseguer, R., Implementation of a LoRa Mesh Library, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 113158-113171, 2022.
J. Mariano Finochietto, Micheletto, M., Eggly, G. M., Pueyo-Centelles, R., Santos, R. M., Ochoa, S. F., Meseguer, R., and Orozco, J., An IoT-based infrastructure to enhance self-evacuations in natural hazardous events, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing , vol. 26, pp. 1461–1478, 2022.
J. Mariano Finochietto, Micheletto, M., Eggly, G. M., Pueyo-Centelles, R., Santos, R., Ochoa, S. F., Meseguer, R., and Orozco, J., An IoT-based infrastructure to enhance self-evacuations in natural hazardous events, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 1–18, 2021.
R. Pueyo-Centelles, Freitag, F., Meseguer, R., Navarro, L., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., A LoRa-Based Communication System for Coordinated Response in an Earthquake Aftermath, Proceedings, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 73, 2019.
R. Pueyo-Centelles, Meseguer, R., Freitag, F., Navarro, L., Ochoa, S. F., and Santos, R. M., LoRaMoto: A communication system to provide safety awareness among civilians after an earthquake, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 115, pp. 150–170, 2021.
N. Llisterri_Giménez, Monfort_Grau, M., Pueyo-Centelles, R., and Freitag, F., On-Device Training of Machine Learning Models on Microcontrollers with Federated Learning, Electronics, vol. 11, 2022.
