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European Project, Sixth Framework Programme, FP6-2002-IST-1/ IST-2002-, Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G
C. Hervé V. Aïache, Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., Blondia, C., Boukalov, A., Cerdà-Alabern, L., de Cleyn, P., Delaigle, J., García, J., González, X., Guimarães, R., Jaskiewicz, D., Karvo, J., Lara, E., Meessen, J., Morillo, J., Pascual, A., Parisot, C., Pérez-Neira, A., Realp, M., Romaszko, S., Santos, E., Voorhaen, M., and Zhao, S.,
“Specification of Low Layer Interface - IP/MAC Mapping -”. Wireless Deployable Network System (WIDENS), 2004.
European Project, Sixth Framework Programme, FP6-2002-IST-1/ IST-2002-, Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G
C. Hervé V. Aïache, Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., Blondia, C., Boukalov, A., Cerdà-Alabern, L., Delaigle, J., Filali, F., García, J., González, X., Guibé, G., Guimarães, R., Karvo, J., Knopp, R., Lara, E., Nikaein, N., Masson, S., Meessen, J., Mekrazi, S., Meriläinen, V., Morillo, J., Pascual, A., Parisot, C., Pérez-Neira, A., Realp, M., Romaszko, S., Santos, E., and Voorhaen, M.,
“System Specifications”. Wireless Deployable Network System (WIDENS), 2004.
European Project, Sixth Framework Programme, FP6-2002-IST-1/ IST-2002-, Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G
C. Hervé V. Aïache, Barceló-Ordinas, J. - M., Blondia, C., Boukalov, A., Cerdà-Alabern, L., Delaigle, J., Filali, F., García, J., González, X., Guimarães, R., Karvo, J., Knopp, R., Lara, E., Nikaein, N., Masson, S., Meessen, J., Mekrazi, S., Meriläinen, V., Morillo, J., Parisot, C., Pérez-Neira, A., Realp, M., Romaszko, S., Santos, E., and Voorhaen, M.,
“User Requirements and First System Architecture Design”. Wireless Deployable Network System (WIDENS), 2004.
European Project, Sixth Framework Programme, FP6-2002-IST-1/ IST-2002-, Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G